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Advanced OpenAPI Specification Technical Overview/Workshop at APIStrat 2018

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Please join us for an advanced hands-on workshop on OpenAPI 3.0. Be sure to bring your own laptop to participate. This will be an OpenAPI Specification Technical Overview/Workshop.

A hands-on training session with more advanced features and 3.0 specific features, suitable for developers who already know v2 and want to know what’s new in the current version. Ends with a preview of the future release.

You will learn about:

  1. Schema Objects
  2. External References
  3. Form Data
  4. Links and Callbacks
  5. Security Schemes
  6. XmlExample
Ron Ratovsky
Swagger Developer Evangelist, SmartBear
Ron is the technical liason for the OpenAPI Initiative's Technical Steering Committee
Ted Epstein
RepreZen CEO
Ted Epstein, CEO of RepreZen, has been helping organizations succeed with API strategy and architecture for over 10 years. Ted participates in the OpenAPI Technical Design Community as a governing board member, and leads the architecture of RAPID-ML, the first API description language to bring the power of Domain-Driven Design to REST APIs. Ted is co-organizer of the API-Craft NYC Meetup and speaks at conferences including QCon, EclipseCon, APIStrat, API-Craft, and Data Modeling Zone.
Emmanuel Paraskakis
Sr. Director of Product Management, Oracle API Platform
Emmanuel has been working on delivering APIs for customers for over a decade and is a passionate member of the API Community. The last three years he has been crafting API tooling as part of Apiary, recently acquired by Oracle. Currently, he is heading up Product Management for Oracle’s API Platform, a full lifecycle suite of products for API Providers and Consumers. He is also the organizer for the API Craft San Francisco Meetup Group with over 1,000 members.

Intro Level OpenAPI Specification Technical Overview/Workshop at APIStrat 2018

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Please join us for a hands-on workshop on OpenAPI 3.0 at APIStrat 2018 in Nashville on Sept. 24. You can drop-in for this session only or stay for the advanced workshop right after.  Be sure to bring your own laptop to participate. This will be an OpenAPI Specification Technical Overview/Workshop – A hands-on training session introducing essential capabilities of OpenAPI and its most commonly used features.

You will learn:

  1. What’s OpenAPI 3.0
  2. OpenAPI and Server Objects
  3. Paths and Path Parameters
  4. GET Operation and Responses
  5. Query and Header Parameters
  6. POST, PATCH, and PUT
  7. Documentation with markdown

Ron Ratovsky
Swagger Developer Evangelist, SmartBear
Ron is the technical liason for the OpenAPI Initiative's Technical Steering Committee
Ted Epstein
RepreZen CEO
Ted Epstein, CEO of RepreZen, has been helping organizations succeed with API strategy and architecture for over 10 years. Ted participates in the OpenAPI Technical Design Community as a governing board member, and leads the architecture of RAPID-ML, the first API description language to bring the power of Domain-Driven Design to REST APIs. Ted is co-organizer of the API-Craft NYC Meetup and speaks at conferences including QCon, EclipseCon, APIStrat, API-Craft, and Data Modeling Zone.
Emmanuel Paraskakis
Sr. Director of Product Management, Oracle API Platform
Emmanuel has been working on delivering APIs for customers for over a decade and is a passionate member of the API Community. The last three years he has been crafting API tooling as part of Apiary, recently acquired by Oracle. Currently, he is heading up Product Management for Oracle’s API Platform, a full lifecycle suite of products for API Providers and Consumers. He is also the organizer for the API Craft San Francisco Meetup Group with over 1,000 members.

Delivering Developer Tools at Scale: Microsoft Azure & Oracle Cloud Perspectives

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With APIStrat coming up in just under two weeks, I have been focusing on how the power of open source technologies can bridge disparate programming languages, and how the emergence – actual dominance – of the cloud has made it a requirement.

Are the problems my team faces common to anyone delivering developer tools for a cloud platform?

Many months ago, as I chatted with my ex-collegue David Justice, who has much the same responsibilities as myself (but for Microsoft Azure rather than Oracle Cloud), I realized that the problems my team faces at Oracle Cloud are common to anyone delivering developer tools for a cloud platform. My chat with David turned into a complex discussion of not just what our shared problems were — delivering developer tool support for constantly innovating cloud platforms in an ever-more-fragmented developer landscape — but also what our solutions to these problems were. Some commonalities in our solutions emerged, as well as some differences — with pros and cons to each of our approaches. We decided this discussion was a pretty informative one, and thought it might be useful to a wider audience. And so our APIStrat talk was born! — ‘Delivering Developer Tools at Scale: Microsoft Azure and Oracle Cloud Perspectives’!

Deliver high-quality SDKs and documentation in real-time

In our talk at APIStrat, myself and David will discuss how to leverage the OpenAPI Specification and tooling, as well as the OSS community, to create huge productivity gains — whether you’re delivering a cloud, an app, or anything in between. We live in a cloud-paced world in which developers use a plethora of programming languages, frameworks, and DevOps tools. Like other applications, the cloud is powered by many ever-advancing REST APIs. Providing idiomatic experiences for developers in their languages of choice at the pace of service innovation is impossible without automation.

Have I caught your attention? If so, come learn how the Developer Experience teams at Oracle Cloud and Microsoft Azure deliver high-quality SDKs and documentation in real-time for Java, .NET, Python, Go, JavaScript, and Ruby, without breaking a sweat, at APIStrat. Looking forward to seeing you there!

This post was written by Joe Levy of Oracle Cloud

Joe Levy
Sr. Software Development Manager, Oracle
Joe Levy owns Developer Experience for Oracle’s Cloud Infrastructure Services team, and previously worked on Microsoft Azure's Automation service. He has expertise in a variety of programming languages, both client and server-side, as well as in reverse engineering and computer security. He is a graduate of Duke University, with a degree in Computer Science. When not in front of a computer, he likes to do pub trivia, wipe out going off jumps on his skis, and compete in hackathons.
David Justice
Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft
David Justice is a Principal Software Engineer in Microsoft's Azure open source developer experience group. He leads code & documentation generation at scale using OpenAPI for Azure. David has lead the transformation of Microsoft's APIs from proprietary descriptions to public, open source OpenAPI specifications. Prior to his time at Microsoft, David was also an experienced startup founder of cisimple, a cloud based CI/CD for iOS and Android. In his spare time, you will likely find him working on Golang libraries on GitHub via

Convincing Your Boss to Send You to APIStrat

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At API Strategy and Practice – better known as APIStrat – *brings together everyone – from the API curious to today’s leaders – to discuss opportunities and challenges in the API space. APIStrat sparks conversations between API providers and API consumers, startups and enterprise, developers and architects, and all types of integrators.* The event covers a broad spectrum of the API lifecycle as well as best practices around progressive web apps, the offline-first approach, and stories from end-users. This conference hosted by the OpenAPI Initiative, curators of the de facto standard in API design: OpenAPI Specification includes talks on Kubernetes, GraphQL, RPC, JSON, Microservices, Hypermedia and how best to implement them.

We understand that you are busy and may not have the time or just don’t know what to say to your boss around the importance of sending you to this conference. Not to fret. We’ve created an email template for you to use. Feel free to use the full letter or pieces of it, and let us know if it helped you get to the conference!


Hi {Boss’ Name},

I’d like to attend APIStrat taking place Sept. 24–26 in Nashville, TN. Vendor-neutral by design, the conference offers case studies, panels, session presentations and lightning talks that tap into emerging trends in API architecture and implementation, with a keen interest in material that provides clarity on the rapidly evolving, sometimes complex, landscape.

The track(s) that will benefit our business the most include {Insert Most Appropriate Track: accessibility, application development and APIs, artificial intelligence and machine learning, community and developers, serverless, internationalization, IoT, performance, progressive web apps, security, standards, testing tools and infrastructure}. You can view the full schedule here.

Additional topics/benefits of the conference include:

The event costs $599 through September 14. I would be happy to write a post-conference report and share with other members of the team on what I’ve learned and how we can implement tools and techniques into our business strategy.


{Your Name}

Something for Everyone at APIStrat 2018

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APIStrat 2018 is just a month away and I could not be more excited for the lineup we have this year! The program committee did another exceptional job in bringing in a wide range of topics and speakers, opening up opportunities for practitioners across not only the entirety of the API lifecycle but all levels of technical expertise as well. Register before September 14 and save $200 off your conference fee. Come on down to Nashville for the premier API event of the year.

As we all know, there is not an industry or vertical that does not consume APIs in some form or fashion. Because of the broad scope of APIs that means every company should want to be a part of the conversation of what is happening next in APIs. At APIStrat, you can learn directly from the people designing the next evolution of the OpenAPI Spec and the tooling ecosystem it supports.

Review the schedule by topic

eBay Provides OpenAPI Specification (OAS) for All its RESTful Public APIs

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Today, eBay announced that they are leveraging the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) for all of its RESTful public APIs. With OpenAPI, developers can download an eBay OpenAPI contract, generate code and successfully call an eBay API in minutes. APIs play a critical role in eBay’s Developer Ecosystem helping the company build and deliver the best experiences to its buyers and sellers.

“The move to using the OpenAPI Specification was an unanimous choice given our needs and knowledge of the incredible ecosystem of developers that surround OpenAPI,” said Gail Frederick, GM of eBay Portland and VP Developer Ecosystem at eBay. “The OpenAPI Specification is the de facto standard for describing APIs and plays a critical role in the new microservices-based architecture at eBay.”

As a member and chairperson of the of the OpenAPI Initiative, I see more and more companies moving to distributed and microservice-based architectures as the need to build quality experiences for users and ship products or services to market faster is a linchpin to any business’ success. Technologies and tools created to support this transition are largely built from open collaboration, spanning application development technologies like Node.js to container orchestration like Kubernetes. Since APIs are the “glue” between distributed components, the OAS standard plays a central part in this transition.

This was definitely the case with eBay. As eBay transitioned from a monolithic and centralized architecture to a distributed microservice architecture, the company needed to evolve the way service contracts were explored, tested, published, and integrated with API specifications.

The company had a set of needs for this transition:

API contracts would need to meet the needs of seamless exploration and integration across a diverse technology stack, be industry standard, and be feature rich to complement our Technical Standards and governance models necessitated the exploration for a new specification.

The primary criteria was a specification that was both human and machine readable, language agnostic, vendor-neutral, and open source.

OAS became the unanimous choice due to its tooling support, fully customizable stack, code-first and contract-first approaches to API development, and most importantly because OpenAPI continues to evolve as a standard led by open collaboration from the OpenAPI Initiative. The move to OAS furthers eBay’s mission to its Developer Ecosystem to promote developer efficiency and productivity with no more SDKs and no more hours spent writing API client code.

eBay has been a member of the OpenAPI Initiative since August 2017 and one of the first in the industry to publish contracts based on OpenAPI 3.0 specification. We are very excited to see eBay’s continued support of our consortium, as well as other open collaboration projects, including the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). We look forward to sharing more around eBay’s success with OAS as well as the many users and members that make up our ecosystem during API Strategy & Practice Conference happening September 24 – 26 in Nashville, Tennessee. Learn more about this conference here, and keep up-to-date with news coming out of the OpenAPI Initiative here.

Join Jenn Schiffer at APIStrat 2018

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Join the OpenAPI Initiative and hundreds of API developers, strategist and thought leaders for APIStrat 2018 on Sept. 24-26 in Music City.

APIStrat brings together everyone – from the API curious to today’s leaders – to discuss opportunities and challenges in the API space. APIStrat sparks conversations between API providers and API consumers, startups and enterprise, developers and architects, and all types of integrators.


Jenn Schiffer is an engineer, artist and tech humorist. Most people know her for her incredible strength and also for being the Community Engineer of at Fog Creek. She organizes JerseyScript, a monthly web developer social in Jersey City where she’s based, and built everyone’s favorite free online pixel art editor, .


Whether your business consumes or produces APIs, this conference is the best opportunity to interact with the companies and developers who are pushing the envelope in API implementation.

We look forward to seeing you in Nashville

Join Cristiano Betts at APIStrat 2018

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Join the OpenAPI Initiative and hundreds of API developers, strategist and thought leaders for APIStrat 2018 on Sept. 24-26 in Music City.

APIStrat brings together everyone – from the API curious to today’s leaders – to discuss opportunities and challenges in the API space. APIStrat sparks conversations between API providers and API consumers, startups and enterprise, developers and architects, and all types of integrators.


Cristiano is a Developer Experience designer who helps companies small and large to improve their developer onboarding, activation, and support. He likes to look at great developer onboarding flows, analysing and documenting the best practices and pitfalls of common design practices. Although he has over 15 years of development experience he believes that at the core we’re all beginners at some things, and documentation and onboarding should reflect that notion. In the past he’s worked as a contractor, startup founder, event organiser, and developer advocate at PayPal.


Whether your business consumes or produces APIs, this conference is the best opportunity to interact with the companies and developers who are pushing the envelope in API implementation.

We look forward to seeing you in Nashville

Join Virginia Eubanks at APIStrat 2018

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Join the OpenAPI Initiative and hundreds of API developers, strategist and thought leaders for APIStrat 2018 on Sept. 24-26 in Music City.

APIStrat brings together everyone – from the API curious to today’s leaders – to discuss opportunities and challenges in the API space. APIStrat sparks conversations between API providers and API consumers, startups and enterprise, developers and architects, and all types of integrators.


Virginia Eubanks is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University at Albany, SUNY. She is the author of Automating Inequality: How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor; Digital Dead End: Fighting for Social Justice in the Information Age; and co-editor, with Alethia Jones, of Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around: Forty Years of Movement Building with Barbara Smith. Her writing about technology and social justice has appeared in The American Prospect, The Nation, Harper’s and Wired. For two decades, Eubanks has worked in community technology and economic justice movements. Today, she is a founding member of the Our Data Bodies Project and a Fellow at New America. She lives in Troy, NY.





Whether your business consumes or produces APIs, this conference is the best opportunity to interact with the companies and developers who are pushing the envelope in API implementation.

We look forward to seeing you in Nashville

Join Kate O’Neill at APIStrat 2018

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Join the OpenAPI Initiative and hundreds of API developers, strategist and thought leaders for APIStrat 2018 on Sept. 24-26 in Music City.

APIStrat brings together everyone – from the API curious to today’s leaders – to discuss opportunities and challenges in the API space. APIStrat sparks conversations between API providers and API consumers, startups and enterprise, developers and architects, and all types of integrators.


Kate O’Neill, “tech humanist,” is founder and CEO of KO Insights, an award-winning thought leadership and advisory firm helping companies, organizations, and cities make future-aligned meaningful decisions based on human behavior and data. Author of 3 books including PIXELS AND PLACE: Connecting Human Experience Across Physical and Digital Spaces, Kate speaks regularly at industry conferences and private events, providing keynotes, participating in panel discussions, and leading creative brainstorming workshops for groups of all sizes. Her expertise has been featured in CNN Money, TIME, Forbes, USA Today, Men’s Journal, the BBC, and other national and international media. Kate’s prior roles include creating the first content management role at Netflix, leading cutting-edge online optimization work at, developing Toshiba America’s first intranet, building the first departmental website at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and holding leadership positions in a variety of digital content and technology start-ups. She was also founder & CEO of [meta]marketer, a digital strategy and analytics agency. Kate is a vocal and visible advocate for women in technology, entrepreneurship, and leadership — she was featured by Google in the launch of their global campaign for women in entrepreneurship.


Whether your business consumes or produces APIs, this conference is the best opportunity to interact with the companies and developers who are pushing the envelope in API implementation.

We look forward to seeing you in Nashville