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Marsh Gardiner

Moonwalk – 2025 update

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Just over a year ago, we established a Special Interest Group (SIG) to explore how to evolve the OpenAPI Specification. We called this effort "Moonwalk," and we began by declaring our intentions in an initial Moonwalk blog post. Since then, a group of committed contributors have met on Tuesdays at 9am Pacific to discuss these topics.

As we look to build momentum in 2025, we wanted to recap our progress so far. We added one more principle (#4 below) to the original five:

  1. Semantics: Semantics provide purpose, whether the consumer is a human or an AI.
  2. Signatures: An API operation is identifiable by its signature, which can be based on any aspect of HTTP mechanics.
  3. Inclusion: Moonwalk aspires to describe all HTTP-based APIs while remaining neutral regarding any specific design debate.
  4. Foundational Interfaces: Reduce the complexity for tooling authors by establishing standardized interfaces for parsing API description documents and defining consistent methods for expressing API structural semantics.
  5. Separation of Concerns: Modularization will keep the scope of Moonwalk manageable with loose coupling among concerns such as HTTP interfaces ("API shapes"), deployment configuration, and content schema formats.
  6. Mechanical Upgrading: An automated upgrade process from 3.x to 4.0 will be developed as part of the Moonwalk effort.

The new Foundational Interfaces principle would not have been possible without the work of Henry Andrews. His efforts to understand the OpenAPI compliance space led to a re-framing of why this is so difficult to achieve today and provided insights into what might need to change in order to make compliance tooling possible and more (related post).

Another area of keen interest has been how semantics (principle #1) and signatures (principle #2) often intersect. Signatures represent a way to organize the functionality of an API, while semantics describe the purpose or meaning behind that functionality. As Large Language Models (LLMs) continue to reshape how people interact with technology, an OpenAPI description becomes even more useful for connecting these two parts.

Some insights from SIG discussions have helped to evolve the 3.x release line, as they were backwards compatible. Examples include enhancements to tags and the ability to make documents self-identifying to make it easier to support "external" references.

Last fall, two tooling authors joined to discuss their experiences in practice. Yusuke Tsutsumi spoke about the project, and Dave Shanley discussed The Doctor and related tools. These conversations were invaluable, and we hope to learn from others. Please comment on our agenda discussions if you are interested in talking about your experience as a tooling author using OAS.

The timeline for Moonwalk reaching a 4.0.0 release remains open-ended (as of this post in early 2025). The foundational progress made in 2024 would not have been possible without the work and enthusiasm of the regular contributors.

If you find these topics interesting, we hope you’ll join us in 2025! Get involved by:

  • Joining our channel on Slack.
  • Attending the weekly SIG meeting. See the weekly agenda posts in GitHub Announcements for more details.

We look forward to seeing you!

Author: Marsh Gardiner

OpenAPI Moonwalk 2024

By Announcement, Blog, News

An astronaut plants a flag with an OpenAPI logo on the moon.What comes next for the OpenAPI Specification? How will v4 improve on the success of OpenAPI v3? What can the spec help solve problems in the context of AI and LLMs?

As 2023 comes to a close, answers to these questions are beginning to take shape. With an aggressive goal of launching v4 “Moonwalk” by the end of 2024, it is going to be an exciting year.

Because there is so much work to be done, it was necessary to establish some guiding principles. After reviewing the major proposals and discussions of the last year, these are semantics, signatures, inclusion, organization, upgrading, and their order is important:

    1. 🌖 Semantics provide purpose. It is not sufficient to describe the mechanics of an API without also describing its semantics, whether the consumer is a human or an AI. Semantics join the what (… does this do?) and the why (… does this matter?) to the how (… does this work?).

      OpenAPI has helped people build better APIs faster, and the ecosystem of tooling continues to deliver more value year after year. What is new today in 2023 is the rise of a new kind of API consumer—generative AI. LLMs can process OpenAPI descriptions and then use that API to solve problems. With generative AI’s ability to understand natural language, OpenAPI can help bring the power of APIs to non-developers with a level of accessibility never seen before. To fully realize this potential, API producers should decorate their mechanical descriptions of HTTP requests with details that convey the meaning and purpose of those API operations. This, in turn, helps both people and LLMs to achieve better results.

      To say this another way, people have been using squishy, natural language to talk to each other for centuries, and we’ve used crunchy, programming languages to talk to machines for decades. LLMs bridge the squishy and the crunchy worlds, which means that a huge number of people can use APIs who could not before.

      Regardless of your opinion of generative AI, from over-hyped to world-changing, we can expect that many people will be using OpenAPI to drive AI-based API consumers. If OpenAPI does not step up to address the needs of that community, they will find alternatives.

    2. 🌒 Signature please! An API represents a set of functions, each of which describes a client-oriented purpose. A function is identifiable by its signature, which correlates to a set of HTTP interactions. Moonwalk places this concept at its center.

      Any HTTP API is always a means to some end. API consumers prefer to reuse existing functionality, and ideally they can learn about that functionality in terms that are most natural to them. That a PUT/PATCH/DELETE returns a 200 or a 204 is an implementation detail that pales in comparison to the function it performs for the client. Today there are limited ways to express the signature of an API function in OpenAPI. A pathItem can’t use query parameters to distinguish operations. There can only be one operation per HTTP method. These are artificial constraints on the signature of the API functions due to the lack of a formal definition of the unique signature. Past efforts in OpenAPI have focused on enabling developers to describe HTTP APIs. This reprioritizes them so that developers can use OpenAPI to define API functions with unique signatures that then map each signature to HTTP mechanics.

    1. 🌕 Inclusion needs a big tent: Moonwalk aspires to describe all HTTP-based APIs. While it remains neutral on the design aspects of HTTP APIs, it recognizes the importance of having different design styles and opinions.

      Moonwalk should be able to describe the HTTP APIs that developers may already have as well as to design the APIs they may want to build. It should be able to accurately map the signature of an API function to an actual instance of an HTTP request and response provided by the API. Moonwalk does prefer resource-oriented API styles due to their overwhelming popularity, but it should be possible to describe purely RPC APIs, even when those API signatures are distinguished via HTTP header values or request body values.

    1. 🌗 Organization through separation of concerns. For example, the changing shape of an API should move independently of API deployments. API deployments may be secured with different security schemes. API functions’ signatures should not be tightly coupled to content schema formats.

      To support the growing customer base with diverse needs, the feature count will undoubtedly grow, introducing more complexity. To counterbalance this, we will apply more rigor to the modularization of different aspects of the API description. We will strive to eliminate ambiguity where it currently exists and leverage existing standards to minimize unnecessary novelty. Our goal is to provide a better experience for API description consumers, authors and tooling providers.

    1. 🌑 Mechanical upgrading. An important principle of OpenAPI v3 was that it offered a direct upgrade path from v2. Moonwalk carries this forward, which means that it must again be possible to mechanically upgrade to Moonwalk from v3 (and by extension, v2).

Important open source projects like OpenAPI depend on contributions from many people. If you are as excited as we are about the ideas above or about the opportunity to leverage AI to help APIs be used by more people, then please get involved! A great way to start is to join our weekly calls on Thursdays (details), and anyone who wants to join is welcome!


You Can Get Involved in Creating the OpenAPI Specification, And Here’s How

By Blog

How is the OpenAPI Specification evolving? What’s the process? How can you get involved? Today we’ll try to answer those questions and shine a light on:

  • The Technical Developer Community, why it exists and how it operates
  • The timeline and roadmap for the next major revision of the OpenAPI Specification

Open API Logo

Last December, the Swagger 2.0 specification was donated by SmartBear and became the OpenAPI Specification (sometimes abbreviated OAS). The spec is 100% compatible, only sporting a new name and brand. Why was this important? In some ways it doesn’t—there was nothing “broken” before. However, in order for sometimes-competitive vendors to build support for the format into their products and to collaborate on an industry standard, they needed a neutral governance model. This is exactly why the Open API Initiative was created under the Linux Foundation in order to evolve what was once known as the Swagger specification.

_meta_issue_specification_documentation_structure_and_supporting_docs_issue_589_oai_openapi-specificationThe Open API Initiative’s charter created, “an open source, Technical Developer Community (TDC), open to any participant, whether an OAI Member or not. ” The TDC is responsible for overseeing the evolution of the OpenAPI Specification. Today, the TDC has six members, and it will grow over time as individual members of the community step up to drive the format. The good news is that ever since the 2.0 specification was launched, people in the community have been offering suggestions for how to improve it. Many of those issues have been identified as candidates for the next major release—the challenge now is to decide what is in or out for the next version and to bring those changes to release candidate status.

In order to tackle the huge backlog of issues, Tony Tam, who founded Swagger and leads the TDC, identified a number of high level themes such as Security and Protocols and Payloads, added references to the individual issues and then tagged them as Meta issues for OpenAPI.Next on GitHub. The single best way to understand the direction that the OpenAPI Specification 3.0 may take is to review those meta issues. Over the next few weeks, Jason Harmon, Darrel Miller, and Marsh Gardinerwill try to break down some of those issues with individual blog posts in order to explain some of the thinking behind them.

clarification_about_yaml_by_fehguy_pull_request_635_oai_openapi-specificationWhile the TDC strives to communicate through issues and pull requests, we’re all volunteers that steal time to work on OpenAPI. Sometimes it’s faster to have an hour long conference call, which we do every couple of weeks. In addition, we use the OAI’s Slack team to raise attention to questions or suggestions when GitHub notifications don’t get the job done. The changes proposed by a sub-issue in a meta issue result in a pull-request (PR), and that PR is then voted on by using a reaction on the issue.

How can you get involved? If you have a particular interest in a topic, search the existing issues and join the conversation or start one if necessary.

Some of those topics are philosophical, such as Is OpenAPI an Open World or Closed World Contract?Some of them are passionate, such as Support for multiple request/response models based on headers. Other topics go deep into questions about JSON-Schema or the YAML specifications. Over the next few weeks, we’ll post here on the blog about some of the meta-issues and sub-issues and give some insight into the nature of the discussions around them.


Marsh GardinerAbout The Author

Marsh Gardiner
At least two of the following three statements are true about Marsh: No one loves APIs more. He is a developer trapped in the body of a product guy. He hates writing bios.

In the semi-random walk of Marsh’s career, he has produced videogames for EA and Fox, created interactive learning environments, launched an educational non-profit organization, and fought bravely in the API wars of 2009-2018. At Apigee, he imagines a better future for apps and APIs.